Crossroads GPS Launches First Issue Ad in Colorado

New TV spot highlights Sen. Michael Bennet’s spending votes to urge grassroots action against profligate government spending.

WASHINGTON – Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (GPS) today launched its first issue advocacy advertisement in Colorado.  The ad highlights Senator Michael Bennet’s votes in support of increased spending and debt, and urges viewers to take action against government “spending sprees” – specifically Senate Amendment 4594, which increased 2011 federal deficit spending by $85 billion.

Since being appointed to fill the vacancy of former Senator Ken Salazar, Senator Bennet has voted to spend more than an average $2.5 billion every day – on the stimulus bailout, the “cash for clunkers” program, and other wasteful programs.  He also voted to dramatically increase the ceiling on the federal debt.

“At a time when the national debt has soared to unsustainable levels, we need concerted action to get government spending under control – not the spend, borrow and tax agenda of Senator Bennet and his allies in Congress,” said Jonathan Collegio, communications director for Crossroads GPS. “The message of our ad is that Congress needs to start living within its means instead of passing the bill on to future generations.”

The issue advocacy ad starts today with a one week buy of $425,000 on network TV stations in Denver and Colorado Springs. The script can be found here, and the spot can be viewed on the Crossroads GPS website, at

Crossroads GPS is a policy and grassroots advocacy organization that is committed to educating, equipping and mobilizing millions of American citizens to take action on the critical economic and legislative issues that will shape our nation’s future in the years ahead.

For more information, contact Jonathan Collegio at [email protected] or (202) 559-6424.
