New spots focus on the flash point issues of Obamacare, Medicare cuts and tax hikes.
WASHINGTON – Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (GPS) today announced the launch of three new issue advertisements being launched in Pennsylvania, California and Kentucky.
The spots call on liberal Rep. Joe Sestak of Pennsylvania, liberal Senator Barbara Boxer of California, and liberal Attorney General Jack Conway of Kentucky to defend citizens of those states from the massive Obamacare legislation – including its big government mandates, Medicare cuts and tax hikes.
“Liberals Jack Conway, Barbara Boxer and Joe Sestak were all on the vanguard of supporting the wasteful Obamacare legislation – along with its Medicare cuts, tax hikes and big government mandates,” said Crossroads GPS communications director Jonathan Collegio. “When choosing between Obama and Kentucky, California and Pennsylvania, these liberal politicians chose Obama. These new issue ads are designed to alert concerned citizens in Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Arkansas about Obamacare and to take action against it.”
The issue advocacy ads start today in Kentucky and California, and started yesterday in Pennsylvania. In Kentucky the buy totals $520,000 for two weeks on TV stations in Lexington, Paducah, Louisville and Bowling Green. The Kentucky Spot can be viewed here.
In Pennsylvania, the buy totals $500,000 for one week on TV stations in the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh markets. The Pennsylvania spot can be viewed here.
In California, the buy totals $1 million for one week on TV stations in Los Angeles. The California spot can be viewed here.
Crossroads GPS is a policy and grassroots advocacy organization that is committed to educating, equipping and mobilizing millions of American citizens to take action on the critical economic and legislative issues that will shape our nation’s future in the years ahead.
For more information, contact Jonathan Collegio at [email protected] or (202) 559-6428.