Goals: Immigration System

Category: Goals

“Call Governor Hassan. Tell her to support the legislature’s plan for business tax relief.”

WASHINGTON – Today, Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (Crossroads GPS) announced a new issue ad that highlights Governor Maggie Hassan’s threat to veto the legislature’s plan to cut New Hampshire’s crushing business taxes.

The new spot, which can be heard here, will air on all New Hampshire radio markets for a total buy of over $75,000 starting on Tuesday, June 23 and running for a week.

“New Hampshire’s businesses are struggling under some of the highest income taxes in the nation and it is stifling job growth in the state,” said Ian Prior, communications director for Crossroads GPS. “Governor Maggie Hassan can help by supporting the legislature’s plan for business tax relief – instead she is threatening a veto that could lead to a government shutdown.” [Read more…]

Crossroads GPS Ads Had Targeted Filibuster Leaders

WASHINGTON—Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (GPS) applauds Senate leadership for breaking the filibuster of S. 178, the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, and passing it in the Senate.  This legislation will benefit victims of human trafficking, which includes those suffering from kidnapping, modern-day slavery and forced prostitution.

The end of the filibuster followed a digital advertising campaign in support of S. 178 launched by Crossroads GPS. The ads focused on Senators Harry Reid (D-NV), Michael Bennet (D-CO), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Claire McCaskill (D-MO), urging them to drop their “unconscionable” filibuster of this human rights legislation.  [Read more…]

WASHINGTON, DC—Today Crossroads GPS released a memorandum describing results of a new national battleground poll that show Hillary Clinton narrowly trailing a generic Republican nominee for president and winning women voters by a scant two percentage points.

The Crossroads GPS survey, conducted on March 22-26 in 15 “battleground” states before Hillary Clinton announced her candidacy, analyzed a variety of issues and trends that are on Americans’ minds.  The poll also asked about respondents’ perceptions of Clinton.

The poll found surprising weaknesses in Clinton’s image and support.  Fully 95% of voters are aware of Clinton and have an opinion of her, and that opinion is already polarized (49% favorable | 46% unfavorable).  When respondents were given both positive and negative information about Clinton, her image worsened by a net 10 points.  [Read more…]

Online Ads Target Leaders of “Unconscionable” Filibuster

WASHINGTON—Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (GPS) today announced a battery of new digital ads in four states, urging Senators to end the filibuster of bipartisan legislation aimed at combating human trafficking.  Crossroads GPS endorses S. 178, the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, which is being blocked by a filibuster over funding restriction language that was agreed to during committee consideration of the bill.

Crossroads GPS’ digital ads urge Senators Harry Reid (D-NV), Michael Bennet (D-CO), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Claire McCaskill (D-MO) to drop their “unconscionable” filibuster and pass S. 178 for the benefit of victims of human trafficking, which includes kidnapping, modern-day slavery and forced prostitution.  S. 178 is supported by a broad array of victims’ advocates, human rights groups and law enforcement agencies. [Read more…]

WASHINGTON—Crossroads GPS president Steven Law today issued the following statement regarding the bipartisan effort to permanently address the “Doc Fix” and to enact meaningful Medicare reforms:

“The current Congress was elected to end the government-by-crisis approach to budgeting and fiscal issues.  Our nation’s long term debt has only gotten worse under President Obama, and it will not improve without a change both in how we do business, and where we place our priorities.”

“For that reason, Crossroads GPS is encouraged to see Speaker Boehner and the House Majority put forward a commonsense solution to the ongoing fiasco known as the ‘Doc Fix,’ and now Democrats are also joining this effort.  For nearly twenty years, Congress has scrambled to stop automatic Medicare reimbursements cuts to doctors who serve our seniors.  These “patches” have cost taxpayers roughly $170 billion, at the cost of great uncertainty and sloppy governance. [Read more…]

Pryor May Not Be Willing to Say “Obamacare,” But He’s Still Responsible for Its Cuts to Medicare and Threats to Insurance Plans  

WASHINGTON – Today, Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (Crossroads GPS) announced a new TV ad highlighting what Mark Pryor is unwilling to talk about with Arkansans: his support for Obamacare. 

The new spot, which can be viewed here, will air in Arkansas starting on September 3. The ad is part of a total buy of over $2.5 million running until November.  

“Mark Pryor has a knack for avoiding things in this Senate race, but Obamacare tops the list,” said Paul Lindsay, communications director for Crossroads GPS. “After telling Arkansans they’d be able to keep their health care plans, many received cancellation letters or faced higher premiums. If Pryor is unwilling to be honest with Arkansans about Obamacare, how can they trust him to fix it?”

“Call Senator Pryor. Tell Him Arkansas Seniors Depend on their Benefits.” 

WASHINGTON – Today, Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (Crossroads GPS) announced a new issue ad that highlights Obamacare’s $700 billion in cuts to Medicare.

The new spot, which can be viewed here, will air in Arkansas for a total buy of over $710,000 starting on Tuesday, August 19.  

Script for issue ad in Arkansas: 

ANNCR: “Arkansas seniors depend on Social Security and Medicare. 

“It’s troubling that Senator Mark Pryor said we should overhaul Social Security and Medicare. 

“On Social Security, Pryor suggested raising the retirement age.” 

PRYOR: “Say that they couldn’t get Social Security until they turn 68 or 69.” 

“And on Medicare, Pryor was the deciding vote for Obamacare, which will cut Medicare Advantage benefits for our seniors. 

“Call Senator Pryor. Tell him Arkansas seniors depend on their benefits. 

“Start Protecting Medicare. Repeal Obamacare.”

New Issue Ad from Crossroads GPS Details Higher Health Insurance Rates on Colorado Families and Urges Sen. Mark Udall to Support Repeal 

WASHINGTON – Today, Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (Crossroads GPS) launched an issue advocacy ad spotlighting Obamacare’s impact on rural Coloradans.

The new spot, which can be viewed here, will air in Denver and Colorado Springs for a total buy of $455,000 beginning on August 19. 

“The costs of Obamacare are being felt by Coloradans in the form of higher insurance rates and over $700 billion in cuts to Medicare,” said Paul Lindsay, communications director for Crossroads GPS. “Despite all these problems, Senator Mark Udall continues to support the law and said he would vote for it again. This ad gives Colorado families the opportunity to speak out to Senator Udall on Obamacare and have their voices heard.”

New Issue Ad from Crossroads GPS Spotlights Sacrifice of America’s Veterans and Urges Congressman Bruce Braley to Give Veterans the Heath Care They Deserve 

WASHINGTON – Today, Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (Crossroads GPS) launched a new issue advocacy ad in Iowa urging action on legislation that would ensure timely access for veterans seeking hospital care and medical services from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 

The new ad, which can be viewed here, will air in Iowa for a total buy of $412,000 starting on Tuesday, August 19.

“America’s veterans have sacrificed too much for us to see elected leaders and government officials in Washington fail them,” said Paul Lindsay, communications director for Crossroads GPS. “Congressman Braley is in a position to make sure veterans receive care in a timely manner. This issue ad gives Iowans the opportunity to have their voices heard and tell Congressman Braley to join this debate and give veterans the health care they deserve.”

Castle Rock, Colorado Resident Describes Law’s Impact and Urges Udall to Support Repeal 

WASHINGTON – Today, Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (Crossroads GPS) launched an issue advocacy ad spotlighting Obamacare’s impact on Colorado families and small businesses.

The new spot, which can be viewed here, will air in Denver and Colorado Springs for a total buy of $452,000 beginning on August 7. 

The issue ad features a Castle Rock, Colorado resident named Richelle, who details how policies in Washington are affecting her family, Colorado businesses, and Colorado jobs.


“This is personal. Policies coming out of Washington really do affect us here at home. 

“My husband started his own company… 

“It’s a big leap of faith to start a business with a family. 

“We knew that we needed to find healthcare… 

“Because we were a single income family… 

“… we couldn’t afford our plan. 

“Mark Udall’s vote for Obamacare has hurt families in Colorado, for small business owners that are trying to make it and support their families. Mark Udall should repeal Obamacare.”