America’s Majority Says:
Only 26% of Americans believe Obamacare will deliver better quality healthcare.
(Kaiser 7/18/11)
Ensure Quality Health Care for Seniors and Families
- Learn about our Better Way Forward solutions for health care.
- Replace ObamaCare with reforms that preserve Americans’ access to their doctors, enhance the use of health care information technology, lower health insurance costs, and improve the quality of care that families receive.
- Protect seniors from the Obama Administration’s Medicare cuts, which degrade the quality of their care and threaten their relationships with their doctors.
Crossroads GPS supports:
H.R. 2, the Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act. All good health care reform depends on this law being stricken from the books so that the nation has an opportunity to enact new laws that focus first on lowering health care costs, preserving families’ and seniors’ relationships with their doctors, and improving the quality of care.
S. 1720, the Jobs Through Growth Act, which blocks Obama’s scheduled tax increases for all Americans, commits Congress to a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, slashes excessive spending, implements a flatter and simpler tax code, provides direct tax relief to the American people, repeals Obamacare, places a moratorium on job-killing regulations, provides specific regulatory relief to small businesses, repeals new regulations targeting America’s farm and ranch lands, reforms the NLRB, removes regulatory barriers to American energy production and transport, and prohibits the EPA from imposing new energy taxes.
S. 299 and H.R. 10, the Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (“REINS”) Act of 2011, which would increase congressional oversight of the regulatory process to ensure greater accountability, and a strong focus on economic impact.
Crossroads GPS opposes:
H.R. 12, the American Jobs Act of 2011, President Obama’s latest ploy to raise taxes, increase stimulus spending, and add to the regulatory burdens on America’s job creators.
President Obama’s FY 2013 Budget, which reaffirms the Obamacare law and would raise taxes, increase spending, and do nothing to meaningfully address our $15.7 trillion debt.
Oversight and Accountability
Crossroads GPS favors robust oversight of efforts of the Obama Administration to implement Obamacare, whether through Congressional hearings and investigations or through agency inspectors general.
Crossroads GPS Polling
August 2013 Polling
August 2013 Polling Presentation