New Crossroads GPS Issue Ad in North Carolina Spotlights Obamacare’s Effect on Small Businesses

Category: News

WASHINGTON – Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (Crossroads GPS) today released the statement below on passage of the Senate immigration bill. Please credit the statement to Steven Law, president and CEO of Crossroads GPS:

“Today’s vote is an important first step toward meaningful immigration reform, but it must not be the last.  Since Senate Democrats blocked crucial improvements to the bill, it will be up to the House to ensure the final bill takes a more balanced approach to reform.  We remain hopeful that Congress will pass bipartisan reform that strengthens America’s immigration system and puts our security and economy first.”

Crossroads GPS is a policy and grassroots advocacy organization that is committed to educating, equipping and mobilizing millions of American citizens to take action on the critical economic and legislative issues that will shape our nation’s future.

For more information or to arrange an interview, contact Jonathan Collegio at [email protected] or (202) 559-6424.

New ad runs in Wall Street Journal, Capitol Hill publications and online, supporting key changes to the immigration bill and eventual passage; signed by 53 CEOs, economists and conservative leaders.

WASHINGTON – Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (Crossroads GPS) today announced the launch of nearly $100,000 in advertising in Capitol Hill publications, the Wall Street Journal, and targeted online advertising to promote key changes to, and eventual passage of, immigration reform legislation in Congress. [Read more…]

Crossroads GPS President Steven Law writes in today’s Wall Street Journal:

Congress’s role in corrupting the IRS must be investigated, and tough new penalties should be imposed on members of Congress who try to call in IRS drone strikes on perceived political enemies. Hatch Act restrictions on the ability of IRS employees to engage in politics—recently watered down by Congress—should be re-examined in light of the IRS’s politically aggressive union.

As an old political hand once told me, “There’s never just one cockroach.” The IRS scandal wasn’t the work of a few isolated employees. It was fostered by a culture that many powerful people in Washington helped create—and it will take time and hard-nosed action to eradicate it.

Read the full piece here.

Crossroads GPS strongly supports and urges the House to pass H.R. 45, a bill that would repeal in full the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.

Crossroads GPS strongly supports full repeal of Obamacare because we believe that the harm to the nation’s economy and to the public health due to this legislation will be drastic and potentially irreversible.  Crossroads GPS has provided a detailed critique of the law, as well as a better way forward on health care policy, available here.  We argue that Congress must pursue real, market-based reforms that will lower health care costs, protect the doctor-patient relationship, and improve the quality of care for all. [Read more…]

The Hayride shares this video showing Senator Landrieu coming face to face with the tower of red tape included in Obamacare.  Watch the full video below. [Read more…]

Crossroads GPS’ President Steven Law wrote this op-ed in Breitbart that urges Congress to take away President Obama’s entertainment and political travel budgets until his OMB follows the law and submits a budget.

You can read the full text here:

 WASHINGTON – Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (Crossroads GPS) today released the statement below on Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget from Steven Law, president and CEO of Crossroads GPS:

“Our national debt has surged by $6 trillion to an astounding $16.7 trillion, or nearly $53,000 per citizen, during President Obama’s tenure, yet he continues to insist that the national debt is not a problem.

“The way forward is with the plan by Rep. Paul Ryan, which will balance the budget within 10 years without raising taxes.  Instead, it reforms our entitlement programs in a responsible way, and modestly limits the growth in overall spending.

“Meanwhile, liberals in the Senate led by Budget Committee Chair Patty Murray, have proposed a budget that would increase taxes by nearly $1 trillion and still never balance the budget. It is plain that the House understands the debt problem facing the nation, while the Senate is more interested in raising taxes.”

Crossroads GPS is a policy and grassroots advocacy organization that is committed to educating, equipping and mobilizing millions of American citizens to take action on the critical economic and legislative issues that will shape our nation’s future.

For more information or to arrange an interview, contact Jonathan Collegio at [email protected] or (202) 559-6424.

Today Leader Cantor released this list of ways to reduce spending in Washington, which the President and the liberal controlled Congress have failed to act on.

Read more about the House Majority’s plans to reduce improper payments, reduce duplication and reduce government waste here.

WASHINGTON – Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (Crossroads GPS) today released the statement below from Steven Law, president and CEO of Crossroads GPS, on The U.S. Department of Labor’s unemployment report for January 2013:

“Ever since the election, President Obama has focused on a left-wing punch-list that has nothing to do with the real concerns of everyday people: jobs, retirement and what’s going to happen to their health care under Obamacare. [Read more…]